The Twenty Fourth Day…

…a memorable summer day

In 2005 we had our family reunion in Myrtle Beach, SC. (Yes, it’s another family reunion recollection, but not really lol)

Well, in preparation…I had to look RIGHT. I needed to be cute. Sis and I had shopped for clothes, sandals, etc…but, the most important part of that ritual…is the hair.

Two weeks prior to the reunion, I’d colored my hair…a light brownish/blondish color. My hair is so dark with red undertones, so most colors in that blonde family come out “strawberry blonde”. Cool, no problem. Light is good…

The night before leaving…I got a relaxer. “They” say you can process after two weeks of adding color (or vice versa if you relax first then color). I felt safe. Clearly….I was not.

My mom (a cosmetologist) put the relaxer in and we washed it out like we normally would. No problem there…until I went to blow dry it.

“Mommy…I think my hair is falling out…”

She sat me in the chair and checked on it. I asked, “Is everything okay?” and my mother said convincingly, “Yea, it’s fine…it’s not a lot of hair…just a little.” In the meantime…she was behind me like “OMG!” because my hair was falling out in clumps. She didn’t want me to see how much was breaking off. She combed through it gingerly and then told me not to apply heat. To let it air dry. She then showed me the hair on the floor and I was like : O!

My mother assured me that my hair would be fine…thank GOD that I have a LOT of hair. She told me that if I’d been the average person…I’d be bald. Thankfully, it had only fallen out around the edges…well, it was broken off an inch from my scalp. I never did THAT shit again. I have some strong ass hair. Sheesh.

The next day down in Myrtle Beach, my hair got it’s life. I curled it and it came out fine. The above pic is my hair after the color began to fade.

I had another incident with my hair…read “Hurr Afire“. LOL

Hair ya go!

I am getting my hair done on Monday…and I’ve made up my mind that I’m cutting it. I just don’t know how short or in what style. I’ve had long hair for the past 12-13 years. It started when I stopped perming it in 1994. It grew like weeds. It was SO thick and long that when I decided to perm it again in 2001, I had a bad habit of rolling over on it and yanking my head in the middle of the night when attempting to get up! lol 

I remember the day I came home from my mother’s house from having it done, my ex who rarely saw the length of my hair (from me keeping it braided, twisted or ponytailed) was amazed at the length. I even had a tacky broad run her fingers through my scalp in search of tracks. *hater* HA! 

I then began cutting on it. In 2005 I dyed it blonde only for the shit to fall out (I was cutting the recommended 2 week waiting time close). Luckily for me, I have about 2-3 strands of her per shaft and what might have been someone else’s HEAD of hair, was only half of mine. I then got  about 5″ cut off in 2007 to preserve it, because it was so damaged. NOW, I’m just sick of wearing it in a ponytail. The only problem is, that long hair is safe. (For ME anyway)…I mean, you have the option to put it up when you don’t feel like being bothered, unlike short hair that needs to be maintained in it’s style. I envision an above the shoulder bob that I can style in big curls. ESPECIALLY once I dye it fiery red. I am trying to redefine my look. Last time I tried to dye red, it just didn’t take. This time I KNOW I need a FIRE engine red…AND 2 boxes! It’s on and popping! Oooooh, I can’t wait. Yall ain’t gonna be able to tell me NUFFIN!!