Word 31: Life

Day 31, the last day of the challenge…was dedicated to whatever word each blogger felt like using. I chose the word “life”.

Before I get into my word…I’d like to thank those who participated. Mahogany Dymond, who requested this challenge, I hope you got out of this what you hoped for. No Labels Unleashed…thank you for giving your all. Lamont Clark did not finish and we had another participant who though she didn’t have a blog, did so on her Facebook page.

Thanks again…hopefully, we’ll have another soon and try again to be unique, expressive and honest. Onto my word…

Life is beginning, and ending and beginning in the middle. Life is cycling…forward, upward and toward destinies and purposes. Life is slipping away from and skipping right up to us every single day. Life is here…and either we’re living it…or we’re missing it.

Word 30: Simple


As I prepare myself mentally for yet another funeral on Friday…I approach this word “simple” with a very complicated and heavy heart.

with every thing within
we fight simplicity
like walking
against hard winds
we embark
on journeys
taking on storms
armed with warnings
we expose ourselves to harm
we often choose
the more difficult loves
we recoil from
the more loving touch
do we avoid
simple apologies…
simple solutions…
simple joy?
why do we welcome pain,
struggle and doubt
when simple lines
could be drawn
to easier roads
and quicker routes

simple things
in the hands of simple minds
become complicated things
in complicated times

Word 29: Car

Car…**I am aware that the pic is crazy as hell, but that’s how I’m feeling right now #djm lol*

Why when trying to find something to write about, the movie “Vanishing” came to mind. The one w/Keifer Sutherland, Sandra Bullock and crazy ass Jeff Bridges? I thought of how he spent an inordinate amount of his life, looking for his woman…replaying her last visit to their car over and over.

Then I thought of “Adam”…and how the real life story was played out on TV…the little boy who never came home…and how his parents left their car in the lot with a blanket and toys JUST in case he returned.

I thought of how many people get kidnapped from cars, jacked from cars…goodness. I must be in the mind of loss right now. I’ll quit typing.


Word 28: Shoes


I think of this word as less noun and more proverbially. So often I find people questioning the lives of those they see…people whose shoes they’d kill to walk in.

I”ve seen a pair of BAD ass shoes and even if I thought they were stylish and something I’d wear if I could, I’m aware that I can’t walk in heels over 2 1/2″. I can LIKE someone else’s shoes…covet them, even…but, if given an opportunity…could I successfully walk in them? I’d most likely fall and bust my ass.

We see people’s lives and ask, “I wish I was him/her…” but whatever it took for them to get their shoes…you don’t know. They could have worked EXTREMELY hard to get their shoes…or they could have been handed them as a gift…OR it could have been obtained in an ill-gotten manner. Stolen…cheated.

My shoes are mine, broken in by me, fitting my understanding, You may not fit mine and I may not fit yours. We could wear the same size and still not be comfortable in each other’s shoes.

I like my shoes. I think I’ll keep the ones I’m wearing. Someone else might have Athlete’s foot or something. lol

Word 27: Radio


remember them days
when we would sing and sway
and you would serenade
me every day
and you’d make mix tapes
so i could rewind it back
and play a thousand times
that one dedicated track

our language was lyrics
our bodies spoke music
our smiles hummed duets
our spirits symphonic

and when you were nowhere around
i’d fall asleep to the sound
of our favorite radio station
playing our favorite rotations
i’d dream of songs
stages and scenes
with our love strewn in between
with the radio
playing in a soft hum
our love in stereo
love set to drums

Word 26: Cold


she sent shivers
and chills
that turned goosebumps
to hills
with the very, very ILL
way she went for the kill
she’s got ice in her heart
like she’s been here from the start
like love is her nemesis
like she was the serpent from Genesis…

she leaves icicles
with her touch
and her tickle
feels more like a clutch
a clawing grasp
that pierces your skin
and drains the spirit and good within
she’s got the face of an innocent
there’s evil in her unintentional intent
her being bares no mercy
and her smile screams “have mercy”

she’s a freezing burn
tearing through souls
she’s dry ice
she’s pure cold
she’s so cold
she’s hot
she’s a danger
to all you’ve got

T R U T H…of heartless hate.

Word 25: Beach


shore kissing wake
bodies splayed
crabs pinching
wet toes
baby’s first beach visit
suntan lotion
sun-kissed highlights
pails and shovels
sun rays
palm trees
lots of seashells
hand in hand
beach sex
private beaches
public beaches
undiscovered beaches
white beaches with white sand
black beaches with black sand
b e a c h

Word 24: Fire


I love fire.

As a kid, fire brought curiosity that nothing else did…besides maybe water. With fire…there was this beautiful, glowing, sign of heated life and it could grow. It could be bigger than a candle’s flame and be angrier than any person’s temper.

My first lesson on fire, was when I was a kid of about 7 or 8 and I lit a fire to my grandmother’s shag rug…just to see it burn. Unfortunately, my baby sister’s stroller was there. I KNOW what you’re thinking, but I promise it wasn’t intended to set HER on fire. I was playing carelessly and too young to know how quickly a rug made of synthetic fibers could burst into flames. I was chided harshly (deserving), but I could never shake that suspicion that I would harm my sister purposefully.

I still have a secret love affair with fire. There’s something about the colors that burning oxygen gives off to the naked eye…an involuntary pull to be swallowed by it, and hopefully…an 11th hour sense of self-preservation that keeps you from falling in.

Word 23: Bed


twirling in lieu of walking
singing instead of talking
i tip toe, skip and leap
past a bed of
jasmine sweet
i double back
i close my eyes
i fall backward
to view the sky
i wallow
in petaled perfume
still humming
my lovely tune
birds soar by
everything seems so alive
and as i rise
to leave the scene
i spot a sparkly stream…
dancing…i inch toward the sound
of a watery concerto
playing loudly in surround
i give my toes a test
and find myself in up to my neck
coasting and floating quietly
rinsing away all regret
i rise
i wring
i dry
and i’m off to adventure more
when i spot a light-filled door
thinking not,
i draw near the portal
with curiosity i cannot name
and peek past the light
to hear people calling my name
i allow my eyes to lead
and to my horror i finally see
i’m no longer mortal
my family is mourning me

perhaps a bit morbid, but I’ve always wanted to die in my sleep…peacefully in my bed.

Word 22: Afraid


Bear with the randomness of this. I’m just spitting out unrelated sentences using the word afraid.

“I’m afraid there is bad news…”

“Don’t be afraid…”

“You’re just afraid to love…”

“They all were afraid that she was slowly unraveling…”

“Afraid of what? Afraid of who? I’m afraid of no one” she could be heard protesting at the top of her lungs.

“A F R A I D…My nerves are A-FRAYED” lol

“If you spend your life being afraid of love, life…LIVING…you’ll always be a shell of yourself.”

“I’m not afraid anymore…” he muttered…his last words, a release of his hold on what was no longer his to have…life.

Okay, I’m finished. lol 😛