Ms. New Booty

As usual, a lot of my “random rants” started off because of a conversation that has taken place with a friend. This one is no different. I was on IM with my girl and she asked a question, “Why do men play games”…but, that is a common question to which there are many common answers…but we got deep on it and I had to share. I did this whole analogy of comparing some men to boys who get bored and then want to come back when someone else takes interest in their “playmate”…blah blah blah. So…we got to talking and a lot of things set me off. She asked, “Why do they need to be stroked and sweat-ed so much?” to which I replied, “Because their mama never hugged them and kissed them, lol…for real…a lot of these fools need a hug”. So, is that it fellaz? The ego stroking is required because moms wasn’t around to breast feed? Otherwise, explain why some of you need incessant adulation in the form of ego-stroking and sexual conquest?

She said…”they want more attention then we do…they try to hide it. So and so is doing these power plays that’s really pissing me off, making things more complicated than they need to be…just tell a bitch ummm…we had a good time but I need to move on. How fucking hard is that?” I told her it ISN’T hard.

So, I said That’s not the issue. That’s when I brought up the lil boy analogy. I also said, that these dudes like to be able to come back. If he says straight out that he’s had fun, but he’s moving on…then he’d look like an ass when he missed you and had to suck it up to get back in. Rather than look weak…he’s gonna bullshit you…avoid you…play busy as hell, and then when you say that you didn’t think he wanted to deal with you, he can GENUINELY say, “I didn’t say that”…and he DIDN’T. He just avoided you and mind-fucked you until you were willingly waiting for him to return…and you didn’t even realize that you’d allowed yourself to be a rest stop for his bullfuckery.

I never get how a man could have a woman who will give him SPACE, not nag, be easy on the eyes, have brains, be sexy AND freaky, cook, be a LADY, love sports, be supportive…and him treat her like an annoyance. YET, let a BITCH saunter in and mistreat his ass, cheat on him, use him for his money, play him for a fool and emasculate him…and she’s the one he’d marry without blinking. But then I guess theres something to be said for the women who will ignore the geeky, cornball dude with the white collar job and a penchant for romance…yet fall for the dude that treats her like shoe gum. Is it that mentality that the bad girl/guy will screw your brains out while calling you names and making your loins succumb to otherworldly levels of ecstasy? Is that it? If so…Then my girl Alexyss Tylor was onto something when she said that good sex is like someone ejaculating on your brain. Your mind is GONE!

Finally, she says that “her shit must not be all that” which brought me to my final theory. See, women think they can just ride him, suck him and blow him into him being whipped…but, don’t ever believe that is the ONLY thing that “whips” a man. If he’s whipped on the sex, you better believe there is something else she’s providing that keeps him there. A good mind-fuck goes a long way. So, don’t go thinking because you flexed your Kegels and used him like his name was Silver, that it’s gonna be THE shit that keeps him there. Also remember, there are TWO kinds of pussycat men like. NEW pussycat and the one they’re in love with. I don’t care WHAT they say…a man loves getting new stuff. She said that she must be old news…and I said, yea…but you’ll be new pussycat again. *lol* When he’s done playing with the other kitties…he’ll remember that thing you did or that thing you didn’t think he appreciated and you’ll be new pussycat all over again…I mean, that’s if something stood out to begin with. At that point ladies…with all your might…blocking out the phantom sensations of the nut…IGG HIM! If you want to be remembered, respected, returned to…for the woman you are…we gotta know that playing catcher’s mitt with ole Hairy Bonds is not gonna get it. They can only play as long as we let them. They can only lie as long as we believe. They can only avoid what is being thrown. It feels kinda bad when they look back and realize that the bevies of women they’ve mind-fucked has dispersed and gotten wind of their games. How lonely is THAT? No one to play with…awwwww

*insert finger L across the forehead*