Sick and Tired

I threatened to write this blog like 3 hours ago…so that should tell you how out of it I am.

I have been sick with a cold/allergy for a couple of days now. Today, I could barely pull myself out of bed. I had a pear for breakfast and then a peanut butter sandwich a lot later on. I finally decided at almost 8 to make burgers for myself. I had been wanting some rice and gravy from the Chinese restaurant but I had issues with the $15 limit. I’m one person…how much could I order to come to $15? I had to do SOME thing though, because there was no one to help me out.  😦

I had the sinus headache from hell…it’s dissipating. I’m still clogged up. *UGH*…I went from hot to cold to hot again. I’ve been using mom’s cold/cough syrup…it’s working some. I’ve had tea, gargled with water and salt and just rested. Thank GOD Monday is a holiday, so I don’t have to worry about getting up and dragging ass.

Oh, I noticed…I hit 75 followers *Welcome ThugRockStar*. Yaay Kaleidoscope 🙂

Thanks for checking in on me Joy and Maria. You guys rock. I’m sure I’ll be good really soon. I suppose rest was overdue…it’s a shame when you need to be knocked down in order to stay down.

I am doing this blog with about 7 minutes to spare. I couldn’t go without posting. lol

Have a Great Weekend to you all 🙂