Word 17: Clouds


I’m speechless today…I finally caught up on the last few blogs and now I’ll just grace you with some pictures of my own personal obsession…clouds. I am always taking pictures of the sky, but that’s because it’s ALWAYS changing. I’m always looking up. 🙂 All are mine unless otherwise stated. 

a walk on the pier w/mom in 2011
on the train to NYC
My sis DeAnna took some cool pics on the plane en route to Jamaica
She captured God

Jamaica was beautiful….I wished I were there

The sky above my house…
A nighttime sky in Peekskill, NY
I hope you’ve enjoyed my nearly wordless word challenge for the day 🙂 

Snapshot #3: Sweet

Photo of: Sweet

I LOVE me some Dunkin Donut’s coffee…

“Can I have a large coffee with nine sugars and milk?”

Yea, I said nine sugars. They have that SMALL ASS SPOON that probably is more like 4-5 sugars. LOL

I start my day with this coffee most days. That pic was taken while it was still nice and hot. Isn’t a gorgeous cafe au lait color? The color of old woman’s stockings? LMAO Or maybe the color of water…where a paintbrush with brown paint was dipped and swirled in?

I almost took a pic of my Sweet Baby Ray’s Raspberry Chipotle BBQ sauce…but this pic was more the speed of how my day went. Without this coffee…I would’ve been unduly unprepared for the bullshit that sat before me today. I won’t go into the details but let’s just say that by the time I left work…I was on the verge of tears and anger.

I WILL see this cup of coffee tomorrow, God willing that he wakes me up. I can’t imagine what waits for me tomorrow…but, I know that if I have this perfect cup of coffee…damn near the color of my skin (with no tan)…I’ll be just a LITTLE ahead of the game.

Soooo good…and sweet! 😉

Snapshot #2: Yellow

Photo of: Yellow

A yellow candle…in the shape of a butterfly. It’s more yellow than it shows. Yellow is my favorite color, so of course it was like hitting pay dirt when I got this candle. I won’t even light it…

Behind it, I’m sure you see the “Tiffany-inspired” butterfly lamp…and a butterfly that houses an electric flame tea light candle. 🙂

Also the color that Dee calls me. She says I’m “Kali Simpson”…you know…relative to Homer anem? *rolling eyes*

Funny thing…I don’t own as much yellow clothing as one would think since it’s my favorite. I just can never find anything I like in yellow.

Foods I like that are yellow:

I love the sun, yellow flowers, yellow butterflies (of course), Post-its, journals, shoes, underwear (I do own a bra set in yellow cotton :), rings/stones, birds, pottery…you get it…

*in my Celie voice*  …Yellow…Y-E-L-L-O-W…yellow.