Parenting the Parent

Let me begin this by saying…I am a super-private person. I don’t like living my life’s ups and downs in front of a crowded stadium of the cyber-audience known as the Internet. I believe that your business is yours and you should be careful with whom you share your problems with. True enough, speaking on your issues can help someone else, but everything doesn’t have to be a wide open, spread-eagle, free-for-all of your most intimate moments. Having said that…I have to write this. If for no other reason, then to get through it and over it.

My father and I have struggled for years. I’m an immovable Capricorn and he’s a brash and bull-dozing Taurus. He and I, since the beginning of my adolescence…have had a back and forth, biting rapport. He had a tendency to say mean things…or at least I felt that way about it.

[I walk into the room]

Him: “You’re fat…you need to lose weight!”
Me: “You’re a crackhead…you need Jesus!”

True Story. I swear. *lol*

Though he is sober now…probably going on 16 or so years…he was an addict all of my childhood and adolescence. I know of the coke, the crack and the alcohol…I suspect heroine as well. I know that his relationship with my mother was tumultuous. I know a lot of things. Some…I wish I didn’t.

It doesn’t change the fact that now…even in his sober mind…he’s not changed a whole lot. I suppose with anything (including addictions), that learned behavior is hard to break. The longer you practice, the better at it you become. Well, my father was a selfish addict. Now…he’s just selfish.

My grandmother, his mother passed away in 2010. She was my heart. Loved that lady. With her gone…I see how she was the buffer. She was the go-between. I knew that…but, now I REALLY know that. Whenever I needed anything, I’d ask her and she’d ask him. Asking HIM was surely a way to have my needs forgotten. Constant reminding would become my job and eventually I’d get exasperated by the chase of him, rescinding my request. Surely, his plan…or at least his pleasure. Hell, I’m sure that a LOT of times my grandmother gave me money in his name so I wouldn’t feel some kinda way.

Either way…nothing has changed.

When my grandmother died, he of course became power of attorney for her affairs. In spite of the fact that my grandmother gave her policy to my aunt, it was my father who was able to cash it. All of a sudden my father needed to replace his 2 year old car with a new model and his not-THAT-old laptop as well. I don’t recall him asking my sister and I if there was anything we needed. He didn’t even offer my aunt anything, even though it was SHE my grandmother trusted to hold onto it. Luckily for him…I don’t feel the need to “profit” from my grandmother’s death. His forgetting us is just a reminder that in the thick of a time when we needed each other the most, he fell back into old habits and thought of no one but himself. That includes, making it very clear that his girlfriend (with her needy, manipulative ass) came first.

The GOOD thing here? I’ve never really asked him for much of anything. I surely don’t EXPECT him to do shit. I just observe the way he does family business and I’m confident that my stance is a smart one. Offering distant love.

In all of the years of his substance abuse, I’ve never taken jabs at him about what he didn’t do for me. I feel it’s futile to exhume past bones I buried in my 20’s. What gets me and at times makes the balls of my feet itch, is to have someone want father accolades and kudos with his chest stuck out proudly…when he’s done not a thing to garner that, except seed us. Half of what he DID do, he did seemingly, under duress of my grandmother’s influence and insistence.

The drugs, the alcohol, the streets, his friends and his girlfriends were always his priority. He even told a story at his one year sobriety anniversary about how he’d taken me on runs. A baby…barely 2…sitting in the back of a Buick Riviera, as he hit drug spots in Harlem. *that explained the deja vu I felt as a child riding through certain areas on my way to a class outing*  I cringed at his confession…I cried. I felt abandoned, even though I was with him. Does that sound weird?

Anyway. Here we are…in 2012…and I refuse to go along for the ride anymore. I refuse to sit in the back and coo lovingly…blindly at a father who refuses to look back, see his child and stop his shit.

I refuse to parent my parent. I love you daddy, but no more.

10 Signs You’re Cyber-Logged

There are very few people who AREN’T online. My grandma isn’t…but, my other grandmother was…so there’s a 50% chance your grandparents are online. lol

There are a few of my peeps who I WISH had a Facebook page…but, don’t. I don’t know why they didn’t get the memo, but perhaps they’re onto something. I wish sometimes that I didn’t crave the crack so much and had avoided the Facebook vortex.

Facebook/Internet addicts are true crackheads. I’m talking shakes, ashy lips and notions of stealing for their next hit. I ain’t saying I’m addicted…let’s just say that I exhibit some of the 10 symptoms of this “cyber-logged” list.

What is Cyber-Logged? Well it’s like water logged. Inundated to the point of complete saturation, leaving the frame of “something” weak and worn. This isn’t your TYPICAL list of crack symptoms. We all know what it means to be addicted to SOME part of the e-world. Most of us sleep with our cells in our hands. That vibration when the phone rings is like an e-gasm to most  folks. I just thought I’d share some of my current observations and list ’em.

10 Signs You’re Cyber-Logged aka Signs You Need to Have a Seat!

10. Refresh is your friend. Yea, buddy…you refresh every 4.3 seconds on Facebook, tumblr, etc…because you’re hungry for the next update. I see folks show up as SOON as I post. I be like…where in the MATRIX hell did they come from?

9. Your statuses/updates are successions of the same event. Let me give you an example:

“Oh snap, my fave movie is on!!” 19 minutes ago

“I love this part…it always makes me cry” 17 minutes ago

“Nooooo man…don’t leave her!” just now

…yea…how are we watching TV intently if we’re “statusing”? Why do we feel the need to pull our friends into the fray as well? Why ESPECIALLY do we do this…when watching WITH people? Are the people in the room NOT sufficient enough to discuss the movie/program with? *SMH*

8. You’ve got 50-11 pages for no reason. *raises hand* GUILTY! It’s not MY damn fault they make it so easy to create a new page. Or a blog. Or an email. Shit…at least I’m not creating whole LIVES like SOME folks…lmao

7. You e-stalk…Now, look. Let’s not get sensitive sir/ma’am! You do it or you’ve done it. ESPECIALLY if your siggy is online. “Oh what the fuck is all THAT about?”. Next thing you know you’re combing the person’s list, mutual friends, and eventually…you lay in wait to see what color Shug gone paint the wall next. *don’t deny it mofo…I seentcha*

6. Your browser has 10 tabs open with Facebook, tumblr, Youtube, Twitter, your blog,  your email, and a combo of news, shopping, and porn. *again…don’t lie dude* LOLOL

5. Your chat is open 24/7. Whether it’s your BBM, your LiveProfile, your YahooIM, etc…there’s a way for your friends to contact you at all times…and you RESPOND…sometimes…in your SLEEP!! Go to bed damnit. LOL

4. When your FB notifications pops up, you see it no matter what you’re doing in another tab. 0)___0)  *whistling*
4a. You answer those things with lightening speed…the hell you doing? Hitting refresh?

3. You’ve got some sort of insomnia related to your need to know what’s happening on your page. For me…I’ve got issues that directly relate to my muse’s inability to duly inspire at a NORMAL time of day. She wakes me up and as a sub-symptom of my wakefulness…I end up perusing the damnedest things while “breaking” from writing. I’ve discovered many an annoying, hurtful or informative thing while up at night writing. Sometimes…it’s A-OK to lie the fuck down…

2. You take pics of EVERYTHING and post it. Your new outfit. Hair. A pic of you taking a pic of you in the mirror so you can show your new phone. EVERYTHING you do gets chronicled in the “Mobile Uploads” album. I just ask that you save us from the pics of your cat vomiting, your kid pooping or your man/woman sleeping. Dang…can I have some mystery in the e-relationship?

MY #1 sign that YO/MY ass just MAY be cyber-logged? That when I post this blog in a few minutes (approx. 1:50-ish am)…You will see it, read it, pretend you have NONE of the above signs…but, comment anyway.

GO TO BED DAMNIT!!!! #notestoself

Dia Viente~ My Views On Drugs And Alcohol

This is a toughie…then again, it’s not. Not really…

I grew up with a dad and uncle who were drug/alcohol addicted. It wasn’t pleasant. It’s never easy for a child to grow up in such dysfunction. Drunken brawls, verbally abusive behavior, broken promises, embarrassment…are all things I experienced as a child.

Both my dad and uncle are sober today…but the road was hard and tumultuous. I couldn’t be prouder of them…yet, the traumas still lie indelibly on my memories and heart.

I promised myself I’d NEVER be like either of them…and with my hand to God, thanking Him for His grace…I’m not. I drink occasionally and socially. I’m a light drinker, so I don’t go too hard…but, I’m no addict. I drink responsibly and govern myself with much class as possible when drinking in social/public settings. Again…I drink occasionally and in moderation…well sometimes. That birthday celebration was like Yeaaaaa Boy! LOL

As for drugs…I say no. ONE time I tried a joint. I DID inhale…and yet it had no effect on me. (Perhaps I’m already high off life? LOL) One thing is for sure…I hate being out of control. I don’t like losing my senses and being in a position where someone can take advantage of me in any way, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise. It’s almost as if my control freak tendencies won’t allow me to partake in such willy nilly activities, LOL. Seriously though…I just don’t desire to do them.

I do think that parents should talk to their kids and not demand that they not do drugs. Kids should hear their mom and dad as their Jiminy Cricket when around peers…not as the impetus for their individual assertion…rebellion at it’s finest. If there are drug or alcohol addicted people around children, they should be removed in one form or another…as children, kids either want to fix the issue, blame themselves, or blame the parents. I thought I was free of my dad’s addiction…but, I only encountered it in my choice of man. My ex turned out to be addicted to drugs and alcohol…and I didn’t even realize it until almost a year into the relationship. It was disconcerting to find that I’d brought my co-dependency/enabling issues into a relationship. 

I can’t tell this truth without at least helping others face theirs. Here are some links for families of addicts and some info for addicts themselves:


Narcotics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

Al-Anon & Alteen