Word 29: Car

Car…**I am aware that the pic is crazy as hell, but that’s how I’m feeling right now #djm lol*

Why when trying to find something to write about, the movie “Vanishing” came to mind. The one w/Keifer Sutherland, Sandra Bullock and crazy ass Jeff Bridges? I thought of how he spent an inordinate amount of his life, looking for his woman…replaying her last visit to their car over and over.

Then I thought of “Adam”…and how the real life story was played out on TV…the little boy who never came home…and how his parents left their car in the lot with a blanket and toys JUST in case he returned.

I thought of how many people get kidnapped from cars, jacked from cars…goodness. I must be in the mind of loss right now. I’ll quit typing.
