The Thirtieth Day…

…your proudest day to date


MY proudest day…because y’all know I thought of everyone BUT me at first. I though of Syre and my mom and even the day my dad became sober…but, I think I’ll champion myself.

I can’t pinpoint an exact day, but the DAY itself was in the making. The day I decided to take on someone else as a “manager”. I’d been making 1,000 excuses about how much I needed to get done BEFORE doing anything with my writing and even with Fancy Face…but, I quit bullshitting and started taking the bull by the horns.

I allowed a friend of mind to set me up on a self-publishing site and put my work out there as a STAND ALONE project and I’m glad I did. Not because it’s selling like hotcakes (because it’s a free download), but because it’s conditioning me for being OUT there.

I find myself encouraging, marketing, inspiring everyone else while my own talents flounder in a dry place. I’ve grown tired of the rut I’ve been in and am ready to color outside the lines. I THINK outside the lines, LOVE outside the lines, GIVE outside the lines…but, rarely had I stepped outside of those lines for my own benefit.

I’m growing prouder of myself by the day. The woman I’m becoming at 40 is something of a splendid thing to see. I know there’s going to be more proud days and I’m ready. I really am.

6 thoughts on “The Thirtieth Day…

  1. @Andrew~ Aw thanks hon ((((HUGS))))

    @Budda~ Yea, sis…I've been sitting on far too much. I have books and poems and designs and all kinds of stuff I could be doing. lol

    God bless the BOTH of you ❤

  2. @Lamont~ I hope to release something within the year. I'll be sure to let everyone know 🙂

    @Reggie~ You're so sweet…I REALLY appreciate your support. You've been a mainstay in our challenge. Bless you, Reggie 🙂

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